H a r i O M




Wall Putty Industry

Project Overview

Kempulse is a leading brand in the industry, dedicated to providing high-quality wall putty solutions. The Kempulse website, built on WordPress, serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing the brand’s products and expertise in the field of wall putty. With its modern design and transparent headers, the website offers visitors a sleek and immersive experience that reinforces Kempulse’s commitment to quality and innovation.

Technologies Used

Design Process

The design of the Kempulse website was crafted with a focus on elegance, simplicity, and transparency. Transparent headers add a touch of sophistication, while modern design elements convey a sense of professionalism and reliability. The overall aesthetic reflects Kempulse’s brand identity and values, establishing trust and credibility with visitors from the moment they land on the site.

Development Process

Leveraging the flexibility of the WordPress platform, we customized themes and plugins to bring Kempulse’s vision to life. Our development process prioritized user experience and functionality, ensuring that the website not only looks great but also delivers a seamless browsing experience for visitors seeking information about Kempulse’s wall putty solutions.

Features and Functionality

The Kempulse website offers a range of features to enhance the user experience:

Customization and Personalization

Every aspect of the Kempulse website has been customized to align with the brand’s identity and messaging. From the color scheme and typography to the layout and navigation, the website reflects Kempulse’s commitment to quality and professionalism, creating a cohesive and memorable brand experience for visitors.


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Monday – Friday

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09 : 00 AM - 10 : 30 PM

Monday – Friday