H a r i O M




I'm Akshit


I am a common man with various pros and cons, the difference is I am more open for learning about the cons, so i can accept and work on those for a positive change. The purpose of my life is still a mystery but I like it this way. Going where the nature takes, growing up in a rural environment where taking first look on the internet in 2014 as a kid, I saw the whole revolution in these 10 years, learned a lot, and found out about how everything flows with the nature, being consciously present in the moment to seek the experience and filter out information is the best thing I have on me. I am clear on this subject that whatever I shall do, it must contribute something towards the respect for nature, wildlife, humanity and consciousness.


The full-time long term jobs doesn’t fit into my lifestyle.

  • Six years freelancing in websites, apps, marketing, and AI – because sleep is overrated. Who needs it when you’re too busy being a tech guru?
  • Juggling chainsaws on a unicycle over a shark pit is child’s play compared to freelancing in the digital chaos. But hey, I’m just here, making it look like a walk in the park.
  • Training AI is a breeze – said no one ever. It’s like convincing a robot it’s smarter than us humans. Easy, right? Just another day in the trainer’s utopia.
  • Websites, apps, marketing – my freelance trinity. Turning digital dreams into reality, one caffeine-fueled code at a time. Because who needs a social life when you’re a tech superhero?
  • Six years of freelancing: the ultimate blend of tea, code, and existential crises. Mastering websites, apps, marketing, and AI, fueled by caffeine and the occasional tech-induced breakdown. It’s the winning formula.
  • Did I mention about an now ghosted Digital Agency I created, I might not have mentioned it but that agency made me realized a truth, no matter how much material success I achieve, everything is burnt with my body, ultimate truth is death. There’s a big story about it other than work, so let’s skip it here.

Tech Skills

Technologies I'm Familier/Experienced in

Yog Ashram

Yog Ashram/Schools

  • I volunteered for the first time at a Yog Ashram in Dharamshala, I used my skills to promote Yog related business from foreign clients to India which promoted Indian tourism and sitting in a foreigner’s destination for this made me a lot of friends from all across the globe for the first time.
  • I was for my own reason at first to work as a volunteer in a Yog Institute, to learn myself to help me realize myself, what is the ultimate truth Yog is carrying from thousands of years.
  • I learnt a lot about Ayurved, Yog Asan, Pranayam, Shakti and Consciousness not from this Yog School but overall.
  • I helped them with their Social Media awareness campaigns, hosted free webinars and workshops for them, brought many friends and known people I personally knew and introduced them with self control ways and ways of living a more self centered life using Yog.
  • The way people treat animals for food, fun, and using their own negative emotions as harmful actions on animals is very cruel. I do not see humans superior than animals, yes there are aspects where humans performs better but there are more aspects where animals are much better.
  • Looking after someone in pain and see them getting relief is the best feeling of love with the nature we experience which never fades now. I went to rescue missions with many animal rescuers and individually made so much confidence and selfless act of service I experience every time.
  • I volunteered in many popular and non-popular NGOs, and the respect and love that built up inside me for animals was much more than humans at a time after seeing humans hurting and killing animals for fun, taking out their inner suppressed feelings of anger and hate towards animals made me feel so pity and shameful as a human. I realized it later that it isn’t all the humans, it is with people who are suppressed in their lives, they lacked good education, they lacked good friend zones, they lacked their self.
  • Realizing this made me feel more energetic in creating awareness to everyone in my zone so at least it makes me feel loved with humans equally. I experienced the way animals talk to us, the way they live so happy, loving and give their selfless acts to support their human friends with respect and love which was much more than any other humans ever gave me.
  • I am great full and blesses for doing these kinds of services towards nature and find so fearless and confident as nature gave the chance to do this and it always motivated to keep doing it through my lifetime.
  • The best way I found to socially connect with people while serving was to volunteer at Cafes and Farms.
  • The best things about working here was diversity of people, there is not certain type of people who visit a cafe and farms. A cafe is open to all, the music, dance, art and similar gigs makes a rich pool of diversity where we interact, welcome and share our thoughts and entertainment.
  • We introduced many different types of gigs with the Cafe management, shared my social views and brought different types of change making gigs into the normal entertainment gigs.
  • We went for clean the forest and earn tickets to the gigs and food and drinks to invite people into this, while working and with their own experience while doing it and having a deeper satisfaction for the change they were creating was enough to make it a habit in their own lives. We also did this for animal rescues and caring facilities, while really made a lot of change in people.
  • During my time there, we made a lot of people realize a simple act of eating vegetarian food for a much healthy lifestyle which is much more worthy.


My writing approach might look very unprofessional and maybe I wrote things which doesn’t have to do anything with work but this page is made not for purpose of getting a project or closing a client but to share about myself to people I wanna work or collaborate with. Those people exactly know that this is not for a job opening or anything related to any business. This is solely made for the purpose of bringing a social change.

I find it really challenging sometimes when not in the circle of like minded community about bringing a positive change but a single act of contribution makes the whole difference. It gives me so much hope and a positive vision to keep on doing it and enjoy the present more than seeking out the future.

I find that the key to most of the problems is education and I mean very basic self education which we can say is self realization. A child is born without the mind an adult has, so it has potential to learn anything very positive or anything worst and a school plays a very basic role in this sense, and we all know who governs the schools are mostly idiots themselves. There are very few great souls some students meet in the forms of their teachers but it very tough to keep that spirit alive even after school or college. But once a student knows more than the society teaches he is no longer like those, he passed out like fellows, but he open a new window of hope and change making.

If you are reading this and we share visions to any aspects, let’s connect and make the change towards it.I am open for any type of collaborations and services I can give.

Let’s Do IT.

If we somehow have similar views

I would like to know about you and your journey


I am open for Freelance projects, If you got an interesting project. I give huge discounts for social works and NGO related works. Also let me know if I can Volunteer and be a contributor to your mission towards Humanity, Social or Nature. ❤️

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